Friday, April 10, 2009

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

I DARE you to tell me "Buffy the Vampie Slayer" isn't one of the most awesome movies in the history of ever...
.....If you did not watch it as a child growing were robbed of something..and you don't even know it...
if you did watch it and you think it sucked...I will put a stake in your eye...

The cast includes young punk David Arquette aka " Benny"...and Dead Beat emotionally misunderstood -leather jacket wearing-Luke Perry...aka "Pike"...which is a name..and NOT a fish...
The gaggle of "Vagi" Valley girls that gave us peppy reminders of how to be shitty friends to one another...and then of course Kristy Swanson aka " BUFFY..."
....Buffy is the reason I decided it was completely acceptable for me to try cheerleading for a year...except I was totally gay'ed out when I realized our out fits were not the slutty hot yellow and purple lycra gear that the " Hog" Highscool cheerleaders got to wear...not to mention all of us were kind of child-chubby and had no breasts..
SIDENOTE>>>Gay'ed is not meant to be I am gay'est of the gay...

...Then.....Ben affleck, who's career has been a wash of wonderful and not so much since this debut... His face is great in the 2 second cinema shot.where he passed the basketball to vampire dude durring a game. Priceless Affleck!!!

But...alas...all of this bloodsucking-sex-magic I have passionately expressed is trumped by the best scene...from the most terribly awesome movie in the world-- circa '92...Buffy the Vampire Slayer...At Prom...When Bitch Pike hands Ballsy Buffy fake flowers and asks her if she is the queen of the cardboard jungle...It is a lovey heart beating culmination in the movie...just before vampire Pee wee Herman and his bloodsucking fag-thug posse start eating Hillary " That is so five minutes ago" Swank...

...And Pike pulls out his man-hand fashioned stakes...then buffy rips half of her dress off and puts on Pikes Jacket to let that vampires know...she no prom queen.

I memorized the lines... as a child and used to ride around on my purple flare bicke with my cousin Aja and recite all of the quotes from that movie...We thought we were really fucking cool...

obviously...we were....

I also...want to share one of the best songs comes on durring the fake flower scene...and it ( to me) a classic number...that didn't get enough credit...because the song " Little Heaven" is the final stake through my heart -fall in bleeding love feeling that made this movie...bloody amazing

I also recommend you rent that movie...and get your Buffy on...but until then...
....I give you
" Little Heaven"


  1. we were cool. and i totally appreciate this ode to a childhood staple. ah, buffy.

  2. purple flare....and flexing Buffy quotes...makes for big muscles :-)
