Friday, April 10, 2009

Love story of Steve David- Part One

Photobucket“She was crying, and she said she couldn't do it anymore...
I loved this woman for fifteen years....she was the woman of my dreams...I had given her everything I could. I got home from a great trip once...and went out and bought her a bran new car...I even put a big teddy bear on it, cause when it came down to it...I'm a big Sucker for love....and she was the love of my life.

.....Here she was telling my to make a choice:
The Ocean
or her...
she said shouldn't do it anymore.....
...and so, I told her she could have everything…...the car the house…everything…I told her I loved her with all of my heart....I grabbed my sea bag and walked out the door.”

It was the volume in the silence following this statement, that dropped my jaw while tears welled up as great as the ocean I was sitting next to…My heart sinking.
Steve David was kicked back on the lawn chair my girlfriend Laura had brought to the end of Widgery wharf to get her sun time in.

--The nonchalant candor, in which he spilled this story, was rife with pain. The cigarette waiving around in his hand was his way of dismissing it.

“ Have you seen her since?”….
I ask.
It was a question I thought surely had a logical answer.

“ Nope…haven’t seen her since.”

That was not my logical answer.
But that was when it hit me…. The logic of a fishermen.
I was looking at man that’s soul belonged to the water, and as much as his heart could ever afford true love on land—The ocean,
she owned him.
And He belonged to her,
It was not a matter of choice.
It’s something born in you…or it isn’t.

The thing with fishermen is they are Gods amongst men…Fallible, fucked up, and human….but still Gods. Gods that are not tyrants, but civil servants of the sea…It is the fighter in them that begs to wrestle the depths of the ocean as a means for peace of mind in their soul. Men that truly choose the ocean as a way of life, do so because they do not belong on land…amongst most of us more ordinary folk.
Any man who commits himself to being out on a boat…truly it is the sea that owns him. This is the freest any one could ever ask to be….In it’s most brutal and beautiful entity. You can not ever think you are greater than the sea…She will cost you your life;
all the while laughing and reveling in your foolishness. In turn, if you respect Her…she may let you live…It is the humility of this understanding that gives fishermen their wisdom and their voracity…they are wise,

and also some of the craziest sons of fishes I know.

1 comment:

  1. Your writing makes me drunk.

    Your soul is a fisherman, but your sea is out beyond horizons most of us can't see. This deep, yet humble, realization you just shared with us is my proof.
